Amaryllis on the allotment May 2010

Amaryllis on the allotment

I’ve started to plant my Amaryllis on the allotment.

This is what the last few look like at present on our living room table:

On Saturday I took 2 dozen plants down to the allotment. As I have no car I have to walk so I did two trips. I put them three at a time in supermarket bags & carried four bags down to the allotment. Normally it would take me 10 mins to walk from door to door but this time it must have taken me 20! I had to stop frequently to rest my poor arms! As the bags don’t have handles in the correct place it meant I had to twist them a little so they didn’t bang my legs.

Now the first 2 dozen are planted!

Between the shed & path & the Amaryllis there are a row of Daffs, now dying down. A couple of long rows of Gladioli with some Tulips between them & the Daffs. Then come the three rows of Amaryllis.

They should get plenty of light & all the sunshine the vulgarities of our British weather dispense. I hope they don’t get decimated by snails – I sometimes find the leaves have been partially eaten here on the balcony. Down on the allotments there are snails by the million!

I will lift them at the end of October or beginning of November. They need some cooler weather to provoke the bulbs to form flowers but the mustn’t get frosted. I’ll be keeping a *very* close eye on the weather forecasts from mid October onwards!!!

They looked like this a couple of weeks ago!

The first to go in were the ones that haven’t flowered yet. There were at least six of them. Then I decided to plant the Red ones to complete the first row. That is the row closed to the shed.

The next row was made up of those that had a red background with a white line along each petals. There were not many, perhaps half a dozen.

I still have a few more here at home that haven’t finished flowering just yet.

The outermost row is made up of those that have a white background with varying degrees of red veining or flushing.