Tag Archives: minis

Sunflowers: Big & small

Sunflowers: Big & small

What springs to mind when you think about Sunflowers? I bet it is a Champion Sunflower like this one – which won us First Prize in the Sunflower competition on the allotment field where Gerry & I have our allotments:

Here are some Sunflowers from our plot last year:

Here is a multi-headed one:

Some Minis:

Here are some that I grew on my balcony some years ago, all from 2004, some have 2005 on them, that’s wrong!

Here are some more to end this blog from our allotment last year

Here are a few pictures of the seedling Sunflowers I’ve sown this year

One week later:

1st Sunflower to open of 2011:

No doubt you will see an occasional Sunflower in my fortnightly blogs of the allotment! I shall be writing my 2nd blog of June on the plot during the coming week!

Hope you enjoy the sunshine in these flowers while we wait for the summer to get underway this year.