Tag Archives: visual

How to get an Encore from your Amaryllis

How to get an Encore from your Amaryllis

Coaxing another bloom is not as hard as you think

Unlike tulips and many other bulbs, Amaryllis do not have to have a cold storage or ground temperature to be able to re-bloom. They do like to have a short period of rest, though, at the end of summer to ready themselves for the next bloom cycle. Continue to fertilize and water your amaryllis this summer and let them have plenty of sunshine. For holiday blooms, discontinue watering or lay pots on their sides to encourage a dormancy in mid to late August. After all foliage has dried up and withered, cut it off and store your bulb in a cool, dry place. In October, re-pot in fresh potting soil and water sparingly. Increase watering as new growth emerges and keep bulb in a warm spot. By mid November, your amaryllis should be on its way to a beautiful bloom again.

If you use amaryllis in the landscape in southern zones 8-10, you can leave your bulbs in the garden year round without worry. Amaryllis will naturally start their rest period in December or January at which time you can clip off all yellowed and dead foliage. After a brief rest, your garden will be alive with blooms from March to April.

I’ve copied the above text from a newsletter I get from the Amaryllis & Caladium Bulb Company a few times a year.


Planting & Care of your Amaryllis

The photos are of my bulbs & are, obviously, not a part of the newsletter but I thought I would add them to give the blog a bit of visual interest.